From Material (and Process) to Space


Through one medium’s practice, clay, in its diversity allows Jacques Kaufmann to understand the world. From Material to Space discusses the issues of materials, processes, and space that are central in his creation process. Jacques believes in the importance of a culture of material consciousness, where thinking and making are actions that are connected to a material that itself has an identity.

Jacques is looking for a Poetical Energy. Poetical: it is the way to make 1+1 > 2. Energy: before we come to consciousness, we are connected to the world and with artwork through a body to body relationship, where the quality of energy transferred becomes perceptions, emotions and ... more if possible!

To quote an American poet, Archibald Mac Leish (1892-1982): A poem should not mean but be. Form doesn’t come just by chance. Where is the legitimacy of forms sourced? In fact, there are forces that are in action to establish forms, in relation with materials. In the link connecting materials and the forces leading to forms, let us begin with materials.

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About Material:

French philosopher, Gaston Bachelard has developed a phenomenology of materials and as a phenomenologist, analyses elements toward the poetics of their matter. More specifically:

  • A material has natural or artificial origins

  • Its nature is defined by its physical and chemical properties and surface qualities.

  • It is used for specific properties and issues requiring the use of use specific tools and processes

  • It can be related to values, such as cultural, aesthetic, emotional, economical, philosophical, psychological…

Processes and tools may assist in the dialogue between materials and forms:

  • Forms come from forces – processes, or actions, sometimes with tools – in relation with materials. These forces belong to the phenomenology of action.

  • We can consider them within three domains
    Nature: forces of all kinds
    Culture: social habits, norms, skills etc
    Art: process, skills, tools etc

Processes may be compared to vocabulary; are named by verbs or actions. Verbs or actions and processes belong to a ‘collective’; used by individuals, they need to get specific qualities and identity. In vocabulary, it is the role of the adjectives to provide these specific qualities. Processes as well as materials are not neutral: they have psychological, emotional, sensorial, and other resonances.

Three categories of space:

  • Inside

  • In between

  • Outside

When speaking about space, Jacques includes all sorts of spatial domains: social, relational, physical, spiritual, cultural and economical. The question then is, what are the different natures of the space he has to deal with? What are its qualities, properties, what kind of emotions and feelings are already there and given? But also, is there any problem with this space? These questions allow him to take position, in the form of an art work.

He says, “To have work done, you need an individual who feels/thinks, a material who can incarnate this thinking through processes, including but not necessarily tools, and a space that can welcome it. Just change one element and everything will change”.


Jacques Kaufmann is an artist, teacher, traveling ceramicist and dreamer in many cultures. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Feu Sacré at Biennale des Céramistes Suisses, Lucerne. His work has been acquired by many illustrious public and private collections across the globe including the Shigaraki Contemporary Ceramic Museum Collection, Japan and the Musée de l’Ariana, Geneva. He is the emeritus president of the International Academy of Ceramics.


